J2EE Questions

J2EE JavaLive Chat Transcripts

Q: What is the JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)?
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a platform that enables solutions for developing, deploying and managing multi-tier server-centric applications. J2EE utilizes Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition to extend a complete, stable, secure, fast Java platform to the enterprise level. It delivers value to the enterprise by enabling a platform which significantly reduces the cost and complexity of developing multi-tier solutions, resulting in services that can be rapidly deployed and easily enhanced.
Q: What are the main benefits of J2EE?
J2EE provides the following:
A unified platform for building, deploying and managing enterprise-class software without locking users into a vendor specific-architecture and saves IT time.
A platform that will allow enterprise-class application the ability to run anywhere.
A platform with a complete range of readily available enterprise-class services.
A single easy-to-learn blueprint programming model for J2EE.
A platform that is built upon and leverages existing IT investments and guarantees that enterprise-class software will work on multiple platforms.
Q: What technologies are included in J2EE?
The primary technologies in J2EE are: Enterprise JavaBeansTM, JavaServer PagesTM, servlets, the Java Naming and Directory InterfaceTM (JNDI), the Java Transaction API (JTA), CORBA, and the JDBCTM data access API.
Q: How does J2EE relate to Enterprise JavaBeans technology?
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology is the basis of J2EE. EJB technology provides the scaleable architecture for executing business logic in a distributed computing environment. J2EE makes the life of an enterprise developer easier by combining the EJB component architecture with other enterprise technologies to solutions on the Java platform for seamless development and deployment of server side applications.
Q: Who needs J2EE?
ISVs need J2EE because it gives them a blueprint for providing a complete enterprise computing solution on the Java platform. Enterprise developers need J2EE because writing distributed business applications is hard, and they need a high-productivity solution that allows them to focus only on writing their business logic and having a full range of enterprise-class services to rely on, like transactional distributed objects, message oriented middleware, and naming and directory services.
Q: Will J2EE be available under the community source program?
Yes. When the Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition is released, it will be available under Sun’s Community Source Licensing program. For more information on Sun’s community source program see http://www.sun.com/communitysource.
Q: Are there compatibility tests for J2EE?
Yes. A full compatibility test suite will be available when the reference implementation ships. This test suite will test compatibility across Enterprise JavaBeans technology, servlets and JavaServer Pages technology.
Q: What is the J2EETM Blueprints?
The J2EETM Blueprints are the best practices philosophy for the design and building of J2EE-based applications. The design guidelines document provides 2 things. First, it provides the philosophy of building n-tier applications on the Java 2 platform. Second, it provides a set of design patterns for designing these applications, as well as a set of examples or recipes on how to build the applications.
Q: What happened to the J2EE application programming model?
The J2EE application programming model has qualified as part of the Sun BluePrintsTM best practices program, and has been renamed the “J2EETM Blueprints”
Q: What is the purpose of the Reference Implementation?
The purpose of the reference implementation is to validate the specifications. In short, it is to prove that the specifications can be implemented.
Q: Why don‘t you allow the binary reference implementation to be deployed or redistributed?
We do not allow the binary reference implementation to be deployed or redistributed at the request of our partners. The J2EE reference implementation is essentially a full-featured application server. To make it available on the market would provide a product that competes with the companies that we want to adopt the technology. In this light, we set up the licensing terms to honor this request.
Q: Is XML supported in J2EE?
XML is an essential component in the J2EE platform. J2EE will provide a framework for business-to-business data interchange using XML. Currently, JavaServer Pages framework can be used to generate and consume XML between servers or between server and client. In addition, Enterprise JavaBeans component architecture uses XML to describe its deployment properties, giving Enterprise JavaBeans data portability in addition to its code portability. For more info, see http://java.sun.com/xml/.
1. What releases of Java technology are currently available? What do they contain?
The Java programming language is currently shipping from Sun Microsystems, Inc. as the Java Development Kit (JDKTM). All Sun releases of the JDK software are available from the JDK software home page (http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/).
Each release of the Java Development Kit (JDK) contains:
 Java Compiler
 Java Virtual Machine*
 Java Class Libraries
 Java AppletViewer
 Java Debugger and other tools
 Documentation (in a separate download bundle)
To run Java 1.0 applets, use Netscape Navigator 3.x or other browsers that support Java applets. To run Java 1.1.x applets, use HotJavaTM 1.x or Netscape Navigator 4.x or other browsers that support the newest version of the Java API.
2. What are the security problems I’ve heard about JavaScript technology scripts?
JavaScript technology is a scripting language used with Netscape Navigator. There have been reports of privacy problems with JavaScript technology, and Netscape is committed to addressing those concerns. JavaScript technology cannot be used to invoke Java applets. The privacy problems reported with JavaScript technology are not present in Java applets.
3. Why developers should not write programs that call ‘sun’ packages
Java Software supports into the future only classes in java.* packages, not sun.* packages. In general, API in sun.* is subject to change at any time without notice. For more details, see the article Why Developers Should Not Write Programs That Call ‘sun’ Packages.
4. Where did the Java name come from? What does it stand for?
The name was chosen during one of several brainstorming sessions held by the Java software team. We were aiming to come up with a name that evoked the essence of the technology—liveliness, animation, speed, interactivity, and more. “Java” was chosen from among many, many suggestions. Th

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